Spring Outdoor Workout

Spring Outdoor Workout

Spring Outdoor Workout

It’s that time of year again! Spring brings with it new resolutions, new beginnings and finally warmer weather and sunshine. For many people, the temptation to ditch the gym for the warm weather is too tempting and their exercise routines suffer as a consequence. If you don’t feel like doing an intense hike, try doing your workout outside at a park or tennis/basketball courts. These spring outdoor workout exercises done quickly and with little rest in between are a great high intensity workout.

Incline Pushup

Incline Pushup

Inclined Pushups: This could be done with your feet on a bench (or a swing set if you want to challenge your core as well), keep your back straight and level with your hips. Do 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Pull Up

Pull Up

Pull ups: Hanging onto a bar, pull yourself up as high as you can. Repeat to failure.

Tricep Dips

Tricep Dips

Tricep dips: Using a park bench, face away from the bench, hands on the seat, keeping your feet as far away from you as possible ??? do 3 sets of 10 reps each. To challenge yourself, lift one leg off the ground.

Bench lunge with toe up

Bench lunge with toe up

1 Leg Squats: Use a bench for stability. This can be done in a couple ways. First, stand behind the bench using the back as support and do a one leg squat for 10 reps on each leg. 3 sets each. Another way would be to face away from the bench, perform a lunge with one toe on the bench for added stability. Again, do 10 reps on each leg ??? 3 sets.

Sprints (doing lines on the basketball/tennis court). Starting at one end of the court, run to the next line ( this might only be a couple feet ) and back, then run to the second line and back to the beginning, third line and back and so on. The drill is complete once you???ve gone to the farthest line at the other end of the court. Repeat 3 x.

Crunches on a park bench

Crunches on a park bench

Core: Crunches on a bench, planks and hanging knee raises will tighten and tone your core!

Try some of these exercises out and add your own. Happy Spring and Keep Active!!

About the Author:??Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of??www.Cardioblast.com??receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

You Tube:??????www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout

Core and Balance Training

Core and Balance Training

Core and Balance Training

I often get asked ???what???s the big deal about core and balance training???? To be honest, I think a lot of people misunderstand what is meant when they are told to train their core or do some balance work. Core and balance training is so much more than just doing some crunches or a plank. Preventing injury at any age is paramount to living happily and healthily and it can???t be achieved without core and balance training.

Balance work is another way to challenge your core and improve its strength and your ability to function on a daily basis and NOT sustain an injury. Have you ever known someone (maybe even yourself) who goes to do a simple movement like pulling a full jug of milk from the back of the fridge and pulled their back? Or maybe you???ve bent down to pick up something and felt sharp pain running down your leg? Often a twisting motion can cause injury too.

The word ???core??? refers to all the muscles in the abdomen, pelvic floor, side of the abdomen reaching up to the ribs, along the spine to the neck and down to the gluteus maximus. In order to adequately exercise these all of these various core muscles, one must do more than crunches. The best way is to challenge them with functional movement training. For example, a squat is a functional exercise because it engages the secondary core muscles that you use when you raise and lower yourself. Done slowly, with or without resistance, this movement is much harder than you might think. It will allow you to concentrate on keeping your core engaged during the motion, thereby strengthening it.

Balance training is often associated with the elderly. Their reflexes aren???t as quick as they were once and are more prone to tripping and falls. Many active and fit seniors include balance work in their weekly regimen as they recognize the benefit to preventing falls. However, its benefits aren???t limited those in their golden years. Athletes can continue doing the activities/sports/competitions that they love for many years without serious injury if their bodies can quickly adjust during activity. Through practice one can become accustomed to balancing on uneven surfaces, strengthening their core in the process and creating muscle memory for the motion. Then in real life, when they are caught off balance, they can catch themselves more quickly, more often averting an injury compared to those who neglect this aspect of fitness.

Here are a few samples of functional core exercises:
One Leg Squat

One Leg Squat

One Leg Squat

One Arm Plank

1 Arm Plank

1 Arm Plank

Lunge with knee in air

Lunge with One Leg Up

Lunge with One Leg Up

Try these today to challenge your core & balance!

About the Author:??Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of??www.Cardioblast.com??receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

You Tube:??????www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout

5 Causes of Back Pain & Simple Solutions

5 Causes of Back Pain & Simple Solutions

5 Causes of Back Pain & Simple Solutions

Most adults experience some form of back pain in their life.?? However, this doesn???t need to be chronic or a life sentence.?? For most people, simply knowing what contributes to their pain and how to compensate for it is more than half the battle! In this article we discuss 5 causes of back pain & simple solutions that can help alleviate your pain and reduce your intake of prescription/over-the-counter painkillers. Here are a few easy habits you can incorporate into your daily routine.

1) Problem: Sitting for long periods of time.
Solution: Take regular breaks from your desk/computer. Go out for a quick walk up the block and back.?? Stretch your hip flexors and hamstrings, chest and neck.?? Remember to keep yourself hydrated.?? This will help decrease muscle soreness.?? If this is you in the evening, get up and walk around or tidy up during commercial breaks on TV.

2) Problem:?? Poor support from your footwear.
Solution:?? Of course, stiletto heels are a back pain No-No. But did you also know that flats and sandals are also hard on your back when worn continuously? Lack of arch support can contribute to knee, back and neck pain in the future. Wear good supportive shoes as often as you can.?? Switch to something more stylish when you get to the office if you like.?? Some women like to keep a favorite pair of black flats under their desk or in a drawer to change into.?? Do spend more on a stylish, supportive and comfortable walking shoe!

3) Problem: Smoking.
Solution:?? Smoking is well known for causing lung cancer after years of exposure, but it could also be contributing to back pain.?? When you smoke, the nicotine that you inhale constricts your blood vessels, resulting in poorer blood flow to your entire body including your vertebrae and disks.?? This may cause them to age more quickly and break down sooner, causing you increased pain.?? Do yourself a favor and seek out help in your community and from your doctor to quit!?? Your body will thank you.

4) Problem: Failing to strengthen your lower back
Solution:?? Strengthen your lower back and core.?? When most of us hear the word ???core??? we picture our abs ??? but it actually includes your side, pelvic and buttock muscles as well.?? There are some great and simple exercises you can do to strengthen these including plank, crunches, side raises and hip bridges.

5) Problem: Sleeping on your stomach.
Solution:?? Sleeping on your stomach puts unneeded stress and unnatural strain on your lower back.?? Sleeping in a side position or on your back helps keep your spine in line in a more neutral position.?? Some people may find that getting a firmer mattress can help alleviate back pain as an extra soft mattress won???t support your body in the places it needs to allow the spine to decompress during the night as it needs to.?? Make sure you use a good supportive pillow for your neck and one for your knees if you find it helpful.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

Exercising with your baby

Exercising with your baby

Exercising with your baby can be challenging ??? and tempting to avoid altogether.?? Don???t miss this golden opportunity.?? Work out with your baby at home or at a local park, using your baby as your ???dumbell???.?? An average two month old baby can weigh up to 10 pounds, which is the perfect weight to be lifting to get back into shape.?? Before you begin any weighted exercise, please consult with your doctor or midwife and never do these exercises if you are still bleeding postpartum.?? In that case, just go for a walk and get some fresh air with your baby.?? A tip I got from a mom recently: ???Make your playlists as long as you plan to exercise!?? It will keep you from constantly glancing at the timer.?? The less you think about how much time is left, the more likely it will just fly by!???

Grab your snugglie or baby bjorn (borrow one if you don???t have one), and securely strap your baby into it.?? For young babies (1-3 months), let them face you ??? your movements will probably even put them to sleep (yeah!).?????? Here is a sample workout.?? To warm up, go for a five minute brisk walk and then do 10-15 walking lunges.?? Next, do 3 sets of squats, making sure to keep your knees over your toes.?? Alternate 10 lunges on each leg with those squats.?? Walk again for 1 minute.?? Repeat once.

For your upper body, use either two hands holding your baby to do arm curls, or leave baby strapped on and grab your dumb bells.???? Alternate 3 sets of bicep curls with 3 sets of tricep dips off a chair.

Work on your chest and back strength next.?? Pushups are a great way to build your chest and back muscles.?? Start on your knees and work your way up to full pushups on your toes.?? Always remember to bend your elbows to 90 degrees and get low! Do three sets of 10 pushups.

Abs are essential to rebuilding your core, reducing any back pain you may have and helping you stay strong for your baby.?? It???s super easy to do too! Make it a game of peek-a-boo if you want, but do those crunches and plank work.?? For your crunches, place baby on your thighs, facing you or on the floor beside you and work up to 30 crunches.?? Do it in sets of 10 if you need to.?? Repeat once.?? Next do a simple plank.?? Start with your knees on the floor and work your way up to being on your toes.?? Place your baby on the floor in front of you as you do the exercises.

And finally, always do your stretching.?? It will prevent injury, and help relax those sore muscles!?? Cardio Blast offers a full suite of stretching and strength videos that all moms can do at home. Remember that by taking a half hour for your own health and strength, you will be less tired, less prone to injury, and better able to care for your baby!

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

3 Basic Exercises to Strengthen Your Whole Body

3 Basic Exercises to Strengthen your Whole Body

3 Basic Exercises to Strengthen your Whole Body

We???ve been asked many times about what exercises are best to target and strengthen the whole body. Often times, people are running short on time and want to do a few exercises that will take care of their whole body. Well if you are looking for 3 basic strength exercises to strengthen your whole body then here they are.

Squats. A properly executed squat can work your quadriceps, glutes, calf muscles and even your hamstrings. Start off in a standing position with feet shoulder width apart and hands on your hips. Bend your knees and flex forward at the waist as you lower your body towards the ground. Make sure to keep your butt back as if you are sitting deep into a chair. You should able to look down and see your toes so make sure your knees don???t move too far forward. Your shoulders should be back and head level. Once your butt gets down to the level of your knees pause for a split second and then work your way back up to a standing position. Breathe in on the way down and breathe out on the way up.

Pushups. These are great for working your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles. Start off with your hands on the ground in a wide position. Your elbows should be aligned over your wrists. You can have your knees and feet on the ground (easy intensity), knees on the ground (medium intensity) or feet on the ground (high intensity). Lower your upper body towards the ground. Stop when your elbows get to a 90 degree angle and then work your way back up. Your stomach and low back should remain straight and tight through the whole motion. Breathe in on the way down and breathe out on the way back up.

Chin Ups. Although tough, this exercise will strengthen your back and bicep muscles in your arms. Reach for a bar that is over your head and pull your chin towards the bar lifting your body off of the ground. Use a grip with your hands shoulder width apart and palms facing towards you for an easier version of this exercise. If you want to make it harder then use a wider grip with palms facing away from you. Focus on using the muscles in the side of your back doing the majority of the work. Your biceps will do the secondary work after your back muscles fatigue. Always keep the bar in front of your body rather than pulling up with the bar behind your neck. This will help avoid shoulder impingement issues. If you find it too hard to do even one of these then get a partner to help assist you or have a chair nearby where you can put your feet on to assist in lifting you.

There you have it – three exercises that will target all of the major muscle groups of the body. If you???re looking for something simple then these will help you get stronger in the shortest period of time.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

Train specifically for your sport

Train specifically for your Sport

Train specifically for your Sport

Why should you train specifically for your sport? Well when it comes down to it, the art of sport involves perfecting the movement patterns of the sport over and over again. This can be done through practicing the sport but more importantly should be done while you are training in the gym or home as well for the sport.

Try and get specific with your training. If you are training for a sport or activity that involves movement in a lot of different directions then you should spend a lot of time doing drills on the ground that involve the movement patterns of your sport. Doing cardio on a machine will help improve your cardio but will not train you in the movement patterns that you need to be most effective while competing.

Also try to get creative with your strength training. Cables and resistance bands are great tools to help you work on movement patterns and strength at the same time. They give you resistance through large ranges of motion even without the pull of gravity. Dumbells are great for certain exercises but only offer resistance in the vertical (up and down) plane. Cables and resistance bands can help you train in all sorts of directions with different movements.

Try to get creative and train specifically for your sport. Take 5 – 10 of the main movements of your sport and create both cardio and strength drills for these movements. Give it 4 – 8 weeks and you will notice improvement. Good Luck in your training!!

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

Interval Training Burns Calories

Interval Training Burns Calories

Interval Training Burns Calories

Interval training is the most effective way to burn calories. With short bursts of intense exercise you burn more calories quickly and make your heart stronger/more efficient than doing longer bouts of steady cardio. Your heart is challenged to become more efficient as this type of training will spike your heart rate higher and force it to recover quicker to do the next set of intervals.

When you combine this with a good meal plan and track the intensity of your workouts you can shred weight quickly. Plus interval training will make your workouts more interesting. With 30 to 60 seconds of work you get to put forth your maximal effort for a short period of time. Then you get to rest. It becomes easier to maintain interest in this type of workout as you don’t have to focus or concentrate on the workout for such long periods of time.

Doing steady, longer cardio sessions or weight training are both great for your health. They will help you stay in shape and maintain your strength. However, if you are looking for the best and quickest way to lose weight and burn calories then interval training wins hands down!

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

3 Reasons you need to Strength Train

Strength Train

Strength Train

Everyone needs to realize it is important to strength train, especially as people age. First of all, it keeps muscles strong which will help you perform your daily activities with ease and prevent injuries. The stronger our muscles are the more we can lift and this help greatly with the function of our lives. Have you ever heard someone say “that’s too heavy for me”. Building strength is key to a more functional life.

On the injury front, the stronger you are the less chance you have of getting injured from most activities. As people age their muscles naturally become smaller and weaker from disuse so it is really important for seniors to continue with strength training. Strength training also helps build bone density which again is important for seniors that tend to have more brittle bones and women that are prone to osteoporosis. Once people start to fall/break bones it is very difficult to get the strength back that they once had. Even if you are in your 20′s or 30′s, strength training is still important because it sets the tone for you for later in life. Stronger muscles and denser bones will be easier to maintain as you age.

Finally, from an aesthetic point of view, strong, lean muscles give people a sense of confidence in their lives both at home and at work. This is an intangible benefit but any you of that work out on a regular basis know how confident and great you feel about your body when your muscles are strong and look good.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

Warmup and Cooldown are essential for workouts

Warmup and Cooldown

Warmup and Cooldown

The warmup and cooldown are two important parts to a workout that most people don???t pay attention to yet both are essential to the quality of your workouts.

A proper warmup usually lasts 5 to 10 minutes and allows your muscles to get adequate blood flow to prepare for the workout ahead. By drawing blood to your muscles you give them a chance to lift more and move faster for a longer period of time. Your muscles also increase in temperature during the warmup which allows them to become more flexible and?? avoid injuries.

Ideally, you also want your warmup to include activities that will mimic the workout ahead except to a lighter intensity. This will help your body activate the mind/body connection that is key to success with your activity. This is especially important for sports where you need to perform at your optimal level from the start of the competition.

A proper cooldown includes a mild cardio workout which gradually reduces your heart rate and helps your body remove lactic acid (waste products created during your workout) from your muscles. This in turn helps your body recover more quickly which will make your next workout more effective. By doing this you achieve greater fitness results much quicker.

The second part of your cooldown should include static stretches that you hold for 30 seconds. This will help return your muscles to their normal lengthened state and reduce stiffness which further helps to prevent injuries.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, full meal planning, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Exercise in movement patterns not isolation

Exercise in movement patterns not isolation

Exercise in movement patterns not isolation

Whether you are doing strength or cardio training it is important to exercise in movement patterns not isolation.This means you should combine one or more exercises together or train with a specific movement for whatever activity or sport that you are training for. Isolation exercises are good for building strength but don’t really work on overall function.

The human body rarely works in isolation like when we stand or sit in the weight room and do a plain old bicep curl. In most things we do both our upper and lower body are involved at the same time, especially when training for sports. The human body moves in multiple planes with multiple joints at a time and it is a rarity where it only works using one muscle group at a time so you shouldn’t train like this.

Your goal should be to train with multi-joint exercises and movement patterns that mimic your sport/activity or everyday life. An example of this is a squat where you pick up a bar off of the ground in front of you, then lift the bar up and over your head and then bring it back down and put it back on the ground. This exercise involves many muscle groups and is appropriate for your daily activities and many sports. This will give you true functional strength rather than just big muscles!

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, full meal planning, fitness tracking and customized online workout programs.