Summer Workout Motivation

Summer Workout Motivation

Summer Workout Motivation

Are you looking for some summer workout motivation? We all know how it goes.?? January hits and we are back on board with our workout routine. ???This year is going to be different,??? we all promise.?? And we do pretty well.?? As summer approaches with the threat of the itsy bitsy bikini, our motivation stays relatively high. But what is this? Summer hits, school is out, the kids are home and somehow 2 weeks passes by with barely a blip on the workout radar! With backyard barbeques grilling up tasty steaks and sausages just needing to be washed down with our favorite beer, margarita or sangria, the calories just start adding up ??? and so do the pounds. It can be scary how tight our jeans and shirts can get inside of a fortnight.

It???s so important to keep moving towards our fitness goals. (By the way, what are yours? Answering ???losing weight??? doesn???t count ??? it???s not specific enough!). When you???re juggling kids, housework, summer camps and activities, your own health gets quickly shoved to the back burner.?? But in all fairness, shouldn???t you give your own well-being at least the same priority as you give to the health of your little darlings??? As close as you can to the start of your summer, after the wee ones are in bed (or any other quiet moment) PLAN where and when you will exercise. Keep an open mind.?? Some moms love waking up early around 6:00am and either head out to the gym for an hour or workout from home and come home before the kids are awake. Other moms prefer to go biking with the kids or sneaking in a quick weight workout while the kids are at activities.?? There???s always an opportunity ??? find yours!

Remember too, that in order for exercise to be effective, it DOESN???T need to last an hour.?? Alternating weights with cardio can cut down your time commitment.?? For example, on Monday, do 20 mins of interval cardio. Then on Tuesday, do weights on your upper body (Biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest and back). Remember to stretch after both cardio and weight workouts! On Wednesday do cardio again ??? you could go for a longer run or a swim but make sure that you get your heart rate up for at least 30 ??? 45 mins if you???re not doing interval training. Thursday would be your lower body day. Include quads, hamstrings, calves, lower back and abs.?? Friday is a good rest day.?? Saturday could be a cardio day with Sunday a rest day again.

So stay committed! Find a friend to go with you or just trade babysitting favors with her.?? Stay in shape ??? you???ll thank yourself in September with the holiday season just around the corner!!

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

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3 things you need to know before you stop exercising

3 things you need to know before you stop exercising

3 things you need to know before you stop exercising

The average person will often go through a roller coaster ride with their exercise programs. Some weeks they exercise and other weeks they get ???busy??? or ???lazy??? and don???t exercise. Weeks can turn into months and this creates a lot of problems in terms of staying in shape and managing their weight. This is why consistency in your workouts is extremely important.

People often ask me why I am so dedicated to my workouts and why I don???t skip them. I tell them that it is actually easier to exercise regularly than it is to take breaks and start back up again. By taking days or even weeks off from exercise you make the process of staying in shape difficult. Here are 3 things you need to know before you stop exercising.

First of all, every time you stop exercising for a few days, weeks or months you take your body back into restart mode. Since you are always ???restarting??? the workout process, the body goes through its usual phase of being extremely sore. We???ve all had that feeling when we go back to an exercise program or we start a new one. There is usually a great deal of soreness and discomfort for many days. This then makes it difficult to work out in the days ahead and further hurts your motivation to workout causing you to take another so called ???break???. By exercising regularly you can avoid the extreme soreness that happens after longer breaks.

The second major problem is that it messes with your metabolism. When you work out regularly your metabolism is elevated which means you burn more calories every day both while exercising and while at rest. By stopping and starting your workouts you jerk your metabolism around which will eventually affect you long term. It speeds up and then it slows down over and over again. As people age their metabolism does not increase as easily and all the years of creating the ups and downs means a much harder time keeping the weight off. A consistent metabolism will help you keep your weight steadier over the years.

Finally, by regularly working out, both your body and mind are prepared for it and it becomes a regular part of your daily routine like eating and sleeping. You end up feeling that ???high??? that you get from exercising and you look forward to it daily. This makes life much simpler and healthier. You honestly end up needing your workouts and you do it because you feel better. You have more energy, less illness, sleep better and feel better about yourself. This in turn feeds your desire to exercise again and the upward spiral continues!

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of receive new cardio workouts every week, full meal planning, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Make Fitness a Choice

Make Fitness a Choice

Make Fitness a Choice

Make Fitness a Choice!!

In Life we all Make a Choice. Fitness & a healthy lifestyle or a sedentary life filled with the potential for illness. It’s your choice!

Fitness and exercise have been proven to increase the both physical and emotional health of people. Knowing this information we believe there is no choice. Your must ensure that your life involves fitness and the healthy habits and lifestyle that go along with it.

For more information on how Cardio Blast can help you make fitness a part of your life please visit our website at

Missing your workouts

Missing your workouts

Missing your workouts

The next time you think about missing your workouts think about that friend or relative who is too ill to get out of bed. There is a purpose for what you do.

Remember that exercising isn’t just about looking and feeling good in the short term. The benefits of exercise are truly long term. Whatever you do now impacts your future so stay dedicated as tough as it may be.

Missing your workouts may not seem like such a big deal but it all adds up over time. Keep it up and give yourself the best chance for a long, healthy and happy life.

For more information on how to stay fit and healthy with our online fitness programs please visit our website at

Stay in Shape rather than Getting Back into Shape

Stay in Shape

Stay in Shape

If you think it’s a lot of work to stay in shape try getting back into shape. We realize it’s a grind sometimes to force yourself to workout even though you don’t want to. You may be tired, sore or just plain lazy that day. Just remember no matter how hard it is to get your workout in day in and day out to stay in shape, the other side of the coin is much tougher. We all have family and friends who have been on that workout roller coaster where they workout for a few days, weeks or months. Then they fall off the wagon and go back at it again a few months later. Trying to get back into shape is twice as tough and takes a lot of work. Often you get sore and the workouts become much tougher when you are trying to get back in shape. Let’s face it. Staying in shape requires a great deal of motivation and willpower. However, the long term benefits to your overall health and the ease to maintain this far outweigh the short term perceived benefits of having a break from your exercise routine. For more information on staying in shape check out

Cardio Blast is here to help

Cardio Blast

Cardio Blast

At Cardio Blast our goal is to help everyone achieve their fitness and health goals. By giving you low cost workouts that you can do anywhere with online access, we hope to give you the workout you need whenever you like.

Our Meal Plan will help ensure you stick to the calories you should be consuming so it is easier to maintain your ideal weight. Our Fitness Tracker is not only designed to help you track your fitness goals it is also meant to help you get an overall perspective on your health and lifestyle.

We truly enjoy seeing people become healthier and happier at the same time and we hope your journey with helps you achieve this. For more information on Cardio Blast programming please visit our website at