Warmup and Cooldown are essential for workouts

Warmup and Cooldown

Warmup and Cooldown

The warmup and cooldown are two important parts to a workout that most people don???t pay attention to yet both are essential to the quality of your workouts.

A proper warmup usually lasts 5 to 10 minutes and allows your muscles to get adequate blood flow to prepare for the workout ahead. By drawing blood to your muscles you give them a chance to lift more and move faster for a longer period of time. Your muscles also increase in temperature during the warmup which allows them to become more flexible and?? avoid injuries.

Ideally, you also want your warmup to include activities that will mimic the workout ahead except to a lighter intensity. This will help your body activate the mind/body connection that is key to success with your activity. This is especially important for sports where you need to perform at your optimal level from the start of the competition.

A proper cooldown includes a mild cardio workout which gradually reduces your heart rate and helps your body remove lactic acid (waste products created during your workout) from your muscles. This in turn helps your body recover more quickly which will make your next workout more effective. By doing this you achieve greater fitness results much quicker.

The second part of your cooldown should include static stretches that you hold for 30 seconds. This will help return your muscles to their normal lengthened state and reduce stiffness which further helps to prevent injuries.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, full meal planning, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.