Spring Outdoor Workout

Spring Outdoor Workout

Spring Outdoor Workout

It’s that time of year again! Spring brings with it new resolutions, new beginnings and finally warmer weather and sunshine. For many people, the temptation to ditch the gym for the warm weather is too tempting and their exercise routines suffer as a consequence. If you don’t feel like doing an intense hike, try doing your workout outside at a park or tennis/basketball courts. These spring outdoor workout exercises done quickly and with little rest in between are a great high intensity workout.

Incline Pushup

Incline Pushup

Inclined Pushups: This could be done with your feet on a bench (or a swing set if you want to challenge your core as well), keep your back straight and level with your hips. Do 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Pull Up

Pull Up

Pull ups: Hanging onto a bar, pull yourself up as high as you can. Repeat to failure.

Tricep Dips

Tricep Dips

Tricep dips: Using a park bench, face away from the bench, hands on the seat, keeping your feet as far away from you as possible ??? do 3 sets of 10 reps each. To challenge yourself, lift one leg off the ground.

Bench lunge with toe up

Bench lunge with toe up

1 Leg Squats: Use a bench for stability. This can be done in a couple ways. First, stand behind the bench using the back as support and do a one leg squat for 10 reps on each leg. 3 sets each. Another way would be to face away from the bench, perform a lunge with one toe on the bench for added stability. Again, do 10 reps on each leg ??? 3 sets.

Sprints (doing lines on the basketball/tennis court). Starting at one end of the court, run to the next line ( this might only be a couple feet ) and back, then run to the second line and back to the beginning, third line and back and so on. The drill is complete once you???ve gone to the farthest line at the other end of the court. Repeat 3 x.

Crunches on a park bench

Crunches on a park bench

Core: Crunches on a bench, planks and hanging knee raises will tighten and tone your core!

Try some of these exercises out and add your own. Happy Spring and Keep Active!!

About the Author:??Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of??www.Cardioblast.com??receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

You Tube:??????www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout

Core and Balance Training

Core and Balance Training

Core and Balance Training

I often get asked ???what???s the big deal about core and balance training???? To be honest, I think a lot of people misunderstand what is meant when they are told to train their core or do some balance work. Core and balance training is so much more than just doing some crunches or a plank. Preventing injury at any age is paramount to living happily and healthily and it can???t be achieved without core and balance training.

Balance work is another way to challenge your core and improve its strength and your ability to function on a daily basis and NOT sustain an injury. Have you ever known someone (maybe even yourself) who goes to do a simple movement like pulling a full jug of milk from the back of the fridge and pulled their back? Or maybe you???ve bent down to pick up something and felt sharp pain running down your leg? Often a twisting motion can cause injury too.

The word ???core??? refers to all the muscles in the abdomen, pelvic floor, side of the abdomen reaching up to the ribs, along the spine to the neck and down to the gluteus maximus. In order to adequately exercise these all of these various core muscles, one must do more than crunches. The best way is to challenge them with functional movement training. For example, a squat is a functional exercise because it engages the secondary core muscles that you use when you raise and lower yourself. Done slowly, with or without resistance, this movement is much harder than you might think. It will allow you to concentrate on keeping your core engaged during the motion, thereby strengthening it.

Balance training is often associated with the elderly. Their reflexes aren???t as quick as they were once and are more prone to tripping and falls. Many active and fit seniors include balance work in their weekly regimen as they recognize the benefit to preventing falls. However, its benefits aren???t limited those in their golden years. Athletes can continue doing the activities/sports/competitions that they love for many years without serious injury if their bodies can quickly adjust during activity. Through practice one can become accustomed to balancing on uneven surfaces, strengthening their core in the process and creating muscle memory for the motion. Then in real life, when they are caught off balance, they can catch themselves more quickly, more often averting an injury compared to those who neglect this aspect of fitness.

Here are a few samples of functional core exercises:
One Leg Squat

One Leg Squat

One Leg Squat

One Arm Plank

1 Arm Plank

1 Arm Plank

Lunge with knee in air

Lunge with One Leg Up

Lunge with One Leg Up

Try these today to challenge your core & balance!

About the Author:??Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of??www.Cardioblast.com??receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

You Tube:??????www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout

Effects of Sugar on the Human Body

Effects of Sugar on the Human BodySugar is one of the most common ingredients found in almost all of the ???foods??? found on grocery shelves in North America.?? The American public has been warned of the effects of sugar since the 50???s.?? Now, increasingly, doctors and nutritionists are changing their tune.?? Instead of cautioning people to moderate their sugar consumption, many of them are calling on people to eliminate this ???toxin??? from their diet and are comparing it to a drug.?? They point out that during the refining process, since sugar is stripped of all its??? original food value including its vitamins & minerals ??? it can no longer be classified as ???food???.?? It holds no value except for its carbohydrates ??? pure calories. It contains no vitamins, no minerals, no fats, no enzymes, no protein ??? nothing would classify itself as belonging to a true food group.?? Some claim that the effects of white sugar is so harmful, especially in the amounts consumed by the average North American as to warrant classification?? as a ???drug???.??

Dr. David Reuben, author of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Nutrition, says, ???white refined sugar is not a food.?? It is a pure chemical extracted from plant sources, purer in fact than cocaine, which it resembles in many ways.?? Its true name is sucrose and its chemical formula is C12H22011.?? It has 12 carbon atoms, 22 hydrogen atoms, 11 oxygen atoms and absolutely nothing else to offer.?????? The chemical formula for cocaine is C17H21N04.?? For all practical purposes, the difference is that sugar is missing the ???N???, or nitrogen atom.

Let???s set aside the fact that on a chemical cellular level, sugar is one nitrogen atom, a few carbons and a little oxygen away from crack cocaine and look at the impact this substance has on our bodies.

1.?? Sugar wreaks havoc on your heart and circulatory system.
In a scientific study published in 2012 in the Journal of the American Heart Association, doctors found ???that sugar sweetened beverage consumption had a 20% increased risk of coronary heart disease even after adjustment for age, smoking, physical activity, alcohol, multivitamins, family history, diet quality, energy intake, body mass, pre-enrollment weight change an dieting were taken into account.???

2.?? It is toxic to your liver.
Table sugar is composed of 50% glucose and 50% fructose.?? Both are metabolized by your liver.?? Some experts estimate that our bodies can safely process between 2-4 teaspoons of sugar per day.?? The average can of cola contains over 11 teaspoons!?? When you take into account that even if you avoid sweets or sugary foods, sugar is still hidden in ketchup, tomato sauces, barbeque sauces, tonic water, most breads and crackers, cereals, spice mixes and almost all dressings ??? especially fat free ones,?? it is easy to see how we are consuming copious amounts of this substance.

3.?? It is making you fat.
Eating healthy fats in reasonable amounts doesn???t make you fat.?? Eating sugar and fructose is making our nation fat!?? When we consume sugar, our bodies produce insulin in response to the large amounts of glucose in the blood stream.?? Glucose is toxic to our bodies, so it???s the job of insulin to get the glucose out of the bloodstream and into our cells where it can be used for energy.?? Over time, large amounts of glucose regularly consumed cause our cells to become insulin resistant, triggering the pancreas to secrete larger and larger amounts to ensure cellular absorption. This leads to Type II Diabetes.?? However, insulin also performs other tasks.?? One is to send signals to fat cells telling them to collect the fat in the bloodstream and store it and NOT to burn the fat that they are currently storing.?? During times of elevated insulin levels, significant amounts of the energy from our food is directly deposited in fat cells and stored.?? Excessive levels of fructose consumption triggers high blood insulin levels and in turn, insulin resistance.?? It is when this happens that our bodies can???t access the fat stores, and then we start to feel hungry again. And we eat again.

Check your diet and make sure you aren’t eating too much sugar and improve your health.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

Eating tips for the Christmas Holidays

Eating tips for the Christmas holidays

Eating tips for the Christmas holidays

The Christmas holidays are just around the corner and many people find themselves dreading the ???inevitable??? five pound weight gain that comes from indulging in all the sugary treats, rich appetizers and alcoholic beverages typical of the seasonal celebrations.?? It doesn???t have to be like this though.?? With a little forward planning and a few smart strategies, you can reasonably expect to maintain, not gain weight.?? Here are some eating tips for the Christmas holidays that you can easily use to help you out.

1.???? ??Eat before the Party!?? Let???s get honest here.?? Humans are social beings and when we are with others, eating, drinking and enjoying each other???s company, we tend to eat more simply because everyone else is.?? Coming hungry to a party is double whammie since the foods that your body actually needs for fuel such as lean protein, vegetables, fruit aren???t likely to be found in abundance on your host???s buffet table.?? So fill up at home and come prepared to chat ??? not eat.

2.???? ??Bring your own Healthy Dish.?? If you???ve been asked to contribute something to the buffet table, volunteer to bring the veggie platter or fruit platter or a salad ??? something wholesome that will give you a good alternative to snack on.?? Even if you weren???t asked, your host would probably appreciate the thoughtfulness of your contribution ??? and everyone wins!

3.???? ??Choose veggies and fruit first.?? When the time comes to help yourself to the spread of delicious food ??? give yourself the gift of an appetizer of veggies and fruit only.?? This will fill you up (on nourishing, low-calorie foods).???? Do treat yourself later to your favourites, but always start with the fiber rich foods first.?? You???ll thank yourself later.

4.???? ??Wine Spritzers.?? Drinking too much alcohol is a great way to lose control at the buffet table, not to mention the dance floor.?? A great way to draw out your wine is by mixing a third of a glass of wine with two thirds non-spiked punch or cranberry juice.?? Keep in mind that spiked beverages such as eggnog quickly add up the calories.

5.???? ??Sit as far away as you can from the buffet table.?? Helping yourself stay away from the buffet table really helps stave off temptation.?? Enjoy sparkling conversation and meaningful connection instead of second helpings.

6.???? ??Use a dessert plate.?? Using a small dessert plate will help your portion control.?? We all tend to fill up our plates (our eyes our bigger than our stomach syndrome).?? By choosing a smaller plate, you will likely not be taking more than you actually need.

7.???? ??Chew gum.?? Chew a stick of gum after you???ve eaten.?? You???ll avoid nibbling unneeded extras at the table.

8.???? ??Help clean up/serve drinks.?? Keeping yourself busy by making yourself available to your host/hostess is kind to both of you.?? It will help you stay away from the treats and drinks and will allow your host to enjoy some time with his/her guests

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

5 Causes of Back Pain & Simple Solutions

5 Causes of Back Pain & Simple Solutions

5 Causes of Back Pain & Simple Solutions

Most adults experience some form of back pain in their life.?? However, this doesn???t need to be chronic or a life sentence.?? For most people, simply knowing what contributes to their pain and how to compensate for it is more than half the battle! In this article we discuss 5 causes of back pain & simple solutions that can help alleviate your pain and reduce your intake of prescription/over-the-counter painkillers. Here are a few easy habits you can incorporate into your daily routine.

1) Problem: Sitting for long periods of time.
Solution: Take regular breaks from your desk/computer. Go out for a quick walk up the block and back.?? Stretch your hip flexors and hamstrings, chest and neck.?? Remember to keep yourself hydrated.?? This will help decrease muscle soreness.?? If this is you in the evening, get up and walk around or tidy up during commercial breaks on TV.

2) Problem:?? Poor support from your footwear.
Solution:?? Of course, stiletto heels are a back pain No-No. But did you also know that flats and sandals are also hard on your back when worn continuously? Lack of arch support can contribute to knee, back and neck pain in the future. Wear good supportive shoes as often as you can.?? Switch to something more stylish when you get to the office if you like.?? Some women like to keep a favorite pair of black flats under their desk or in a drawer to change into.?? Do spend more on a stylish, supportive and comfortable walking shoe!

3) Problem: Smoking.
Solution:?? Smoking is well known for causing lung cancer after years of exposure, but it could also be contributing to back pain.?? When you smoke, the nicotine that you inhale constricts your blood vessels, resulting in poorer blood flow to your entire body including your vertebrae and disks.?? This may cause them to age more quickly and break down sooner, causing you increased pain.?? Do yourself a favor and seek out help in your community and from your doctor to quit!?? Your body will thank you.

4) Problem: Failing to strengthen your lower back
Solution:?? Strengthen your lower back and core.?? When most of us hear the word ???core??? we picture our abs ??? but it actually includes your side, pelvic and buttock muscles as well.?? There are some great and simple exercises you can do to strengthen these including plank, crunches, side raises and hip bridges.

5) Problem: Sleeping on your stomach.
Solution:?? Sleeping on your stomach puts unneeded stress and unnatural strain on your lower back.?? Sleeping in a side position or on your back helps keep your spine in line in a more neutral position.?? Some people may find that getting a firmer mattress can help alleviate back pain as an extra soft mattress won???t support your body in the places it needs to allow the spine to decompress during the night as it needs to.?? Make sure you use a good supportive pillow for your neck and one for your knees if you find it helpful.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

5 Quick tips for healthy eating

5 Quick Tips for Healthy Eating

5 Quick Tips for Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is really very simple.?? Eat fruits and vegetables in their natural state.?? Enjoy eggs and poultry, meat and fish often and drink lots of water.?? It can be overwhelming if you???re trying to eliminate processed foods from your diet because, simply put, the ???convenience??? of them is simply addictive (not to mention the additives). Here are 5 quick tips for healthy eating to help keep yourself on track.?? We???ve found them useful and hope you do too!

Include Greens in two of your meals each day.?? This is really easy to do.?? If you have a smoothie in the morning, add a leaf of kale or a small handful of spinach.?? Put some baby greens under your rice at supper or eat a big salad at lunch.

Use your slow cooker for stews and cooking beans.?? A slow cooker is a busy mom???s MUST-HAVE.?? Its easy to chop a few carrots, a potato, onion and throw a couple pieces of bone-in chicken on top with a few spices (or a homemade marinade ??? check on-line recipes for quick n easy options).?? This takes 15 minutes max before you head off to work/school.?? Its ready for you when you get home in the afternoon ??? all you need is to cook some quinoa, or rice or pasta to go with your yummy main.

It???s also great for increasing your bean intake.?? Beans are a VERY affordable way to increase your fiber, protein and vitamin intake especially when you buy them dried in big bags.?? They just need a little prep.?? Put them to soak before you head off to bed.?? The following morning, they will be ready to cook.?? You can cook them stovetop if you have the time, but I like to use my slowcooker and maximize my efficiency while I???m away.?? Rinse and set them to cook in plenty of water on low.?? Drain and rinse again after they???re cooked.?? Use them right away in soups, stews, salads or hummus or freeze in sandwich bags for another day.

Prep your veggies/snacks on a Sunday night.?? Probably the biggest protest from most people is that eating healthy takes so much time.?? Condensing your prep time to a couple hours on a slow evening makes it a cinch when you???re on the go.?? Chop your broccoli and cauliflower into snack sized pieces.?? Peel your carrots and trim the ends.?? You could even dice a few onions and celery ahead of time ??? making prep time for omelletes a snap during the week.?? Set aside little baggies of dried fruits and/or nuts for work.?? If you???re more ambitious, make a big pot of pasta sauce (can be used for pizza sauce, baked chicken), and even a stew or two.?? Freeze them in meal sized portions and you???re set for the week!

Include 3 elements in every meal: think Color, Fat and Protein.?? Colorful vegetables and fruits are easy to include.?? Drizzle your salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar for an easy way to include fat. Or add some avocado. Include an egg (boiled or poached) or canned salmon or chicken with your salad.?? Healthy fats and simple proteins keep you fuller and contribute to your overall energy levels staying consistent throughout the day.

Substitute honey, real maple syrup and stevia in your recipes, hot drinks and smoothies.?? Honey has long been reputed to have healing properties.?? Stevia adds sweetness (when used very sparingly) and doesn???t increase your blood sugar.?? Check out ideas on-line for recipes using these ingredients and substitute them when you bake. Start today and use these 5 quick tips for healthy eating.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

Facebook:???? www.facebook.com/cardioblast
You Tube:???? www.youtube.com/user/CardioBlastWorkout
Twitter:???? www.twitter.com/alexkotai
Pinterest:???? www.pinterest.com/cardioblast

Some simple facts about Sugar

Some simple facts about Sugar

Some simple facts about Sugar

Most packaged foods on the market contain some sort of refined sugar. We end up eating quite a bit more sugar than we think we are as a result and this is contributing to more and more health issues. Here are some simple facts about sugar that you should know.

??? Sugar is the additive most often used in foods. Sugar alone is added to food 10 times more than all other food additives combined together.
??? Brown sugar is simply refined white sugar with some molasses added to it and is not any healthier for you than white sugar.
??? Most canned foods, cured meats, cereals, salad dressings, spaghetti sauce, packaged foods, mayonnaise, juices and many other products all contain sugar. Look at your labels closely for all of the forms of sugar.
??? The average soft drink contains approximately 9 teaspoons of refined white sugar.
??? 1 tablespoon of ketchup contains approximately a teaspoon of sugar.
??? Sugar comes in many forms on labels including sucrose, fructose and glucose just to name a few.
??? Corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup are two other ingredients that are basically the equivalent of sugar.

So why are we showing that sugar is in so many foods and in many different variations? This is because humans eat way more sugar then we ever have in history and excessive sugar consumption is linked to many diseases and has negative effects to your overall health. We suggest you really try to limit the amount of sugar you consume as it will improve your overall health and give you more consistent energy throughout the day.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, full meal planning, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

BC’s Biggest Bootcamp presented by Cardio Blast

BC's Biggest Bootcamp

BC’s Biggest Bootcamp

Join Cardio Blast Founder Alex K for a great workout in BC’s Biggest Bootcamp. For those of you living in the lower mainland of British Columbia this is a chance to workout with hundreds of fitness minded people just like yourselves.

Plus, we are supporting a great cause by donating all proceeds from the event to the Abbotsford Minor Hockey Association to help underprivileged youth play minor hockey in the upcoming season. Hockey is an expensive sport and we want to help those who can’t afford to play to have a chance as well.

The event takes place on Monday June 17th at 6:30pm. Location is Rotary Stadium in Abbotsford, BC. Cost to attend is a minimum donation of $5 which will be donated to minor hockey. There are over $1300 in door prizes for participants as well.

Deadline to register is June 7th. More information can be found on the website for BC’s Biggest Bootcamp at www.etsfitness.ca.

Hiwire Creative – www.hiwirecreative.ca
Abbotsford News – www.abbynews.com
Star FM – www.starfm.com
Theragear – www.theragear.com
Team Sharp Training – www.teamsharptraining.com
Abbotsford Heat – www.abbotsfordheat.com
PHD Nutrition – www.phdnutrition.ca
Perfect Tan – www.perfecttan.ca
Suzanne Pennell Personal Training – www.befitabbotsford.com
Vos Hockey – www.voshockey.com
Envision Financial – www.envisionfinancial.ca
Ned Athletic Wear – www.nedathleticwear.com

Get your registration forms in today. You don’t want to miss this!!

For more information on Cardio Blast programming please visit www.blog.cardioblast.com.

Workout for busy professionals with Alex K

Workout for busy professionals

Workout for busy professionals via herlitz_pbs

A workout for busy professionals is often difficult to achieve. Many people end up working long hours to obtain success in their careers and forget that their health is vital to their success.

“After years of being active, I switched careers and staying in shape became more of a challenge. When I heard of ETS Bootcamp with Alex K, it seemed like a great way to stay in shape with a consistent workout. No matter what shape you are in Alex K will find ways to push you to achieve yours goals. It is a fantastic way to not only tone up and lose weight, but also increase to your cardiovascular health. I would recommend ETS Bootcamp and Alex K for anyone who is committed and motivated to improve their fitness. You will not be disappointed!” Alyssa Wiens

With www.blog.cardioblast.com training, a workout for busy professionals should be easy to achieve. Our workouts are 45 minutes long and don’t require driving anywhere. This can?? easily save you 20 – 30 minutes of round trip driving to the gym. All you need is online access. Plus our unique Cardio Blast training methodology allows you to burn the most calories in the shortest period of time. This saves you more time and makes your workouts more effective. Check it out today!

Cardio Blast $1500 Show Off Your Workout Contest

Show Off Your Workout Contest

Show Off Your Workout Contest

For the month of December Cardio Blast has launched an exciting new workout contest for fans of our facebook page at www.facebook.com/Cardioblast. We are giving you a chance to become an online fitness video star for a minute simply by entering the workout contest. Here’s how it works:

  1. Like our facebook page at www.facebook.com/Cardioblast
  2. Post a 1 minute video with description to the page with you doing your favourite workout drill (this can be anything but you must workout for one minute). This will get you entered into the workout contest.
  3. Get your friends to “Like” the Cardio Blast page and then “Vote” for your post.
  4. For every 5 “Votes” you get you will receive one ballot in the draw. The contest closes on January 14, 2013, 2012 at 11:00PM PST.
  5. On January 15, 2013 at 12:00pm we will draw one winner at random. All you need is 5 votes to get one ballot in the draw! The more votes you get the more ballots you will receive.

The winner of the Cardio Blast Show Off Your Workout Contest will receive this amazing package worth $1500:

  • 3 month subscription to Cardioblast.com
  • Included with this subscription is the full Cardio Blast Ultimate Athletic Meal Plan and Cardio Blast Fitness Tracker
  • Cardio Blast Equipment Package including 10lb, 8lb, 5lb dumbells, 8 cones, 4 line markers and a yoga mat
  • Weekly online review of goals/progress will be provided by pro fitness trainer Alex K
  • Two online workout programs designed by pro fitness trainer Alex K. These can be used to supplement the Cardio Blast workouts
  • PLUS $500.00 cash to help you pay those Christmas bills!

Enter the Cardio Blast Show Off Your Workout Contest today so you have the opportunity to get as many votes as possible!

For more information on Cardio Blast programming please visit www.blog.cardioblast.com.