What is your favourite post-workout snack?

Post-workout Snack

Post-workout Snack

What is your favourite post-workout snack? We know that refueling your body quickly after a workout is extremely important to your recovery but what you eat is just as important as how quickly you eat.

One of our favourite post-workout snacks is a whey protein smoothie. The recipe is shown above and gives you everything you need to fuel your recovery. The whey protein gives your body what it needs to repair it’s muscles and tissues. The fruit and vegetables help to replace the glucose you have burned. Adding liquid to the drink will also help you replace fluids lost during your workout. Overall this is just a great snack after a workout.

Now we want to hear from you. What is your favourite post workout snack? Share your ideas and recipes with us on our facebook wall at www.facebook.com/cardioblast. We would love to hear from you.

If you need any other fitness or health information please visit our website at www.blog.cardioblast.com.