Water needed for optimal health

Water Needed for Optimal Health

Water Needed for Optimal Health via AHMED…

The amount of water needed for optimal health varies by person but it is essential to everyone. Your body is about 60% water so not having enough of it can cause a variety of problems. It helps to flush toxins out of your system as well as carry nutrients to cells in your body. In addition, being dehydrated (having too little water in your system) can cause you to feel tired and drained.

To perform at your best you need to be optimally hydrated. For males this means consuming 3 litres of fluid per day and for females roughly 2.2 litres per day. If you live in a hotter climate and are more active this amount will need to be increased. If you live in a colder climate or are less active this can be decreased. This is total fluid intake and not just water. However, if you are a coffee dinker then drinking coffee will actually dehydrate your body. For every cup of coffee you drink you need at least one additional cup of water to replace the lost water from drinking the coffee.

Given our bodies are mostly made up of water and we require it for most functions of the body, it is essential to make drinking enough water a top health priority. Drink more today and you’ll notice a difference in how you feel!

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of www.Cardioblast.com receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

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