Downside of exercising on an empty stomach

Empty Stomach

Empty Stomach Via TayGable

You may have heard that you’ll burn more body fat by exercising on an empty stomach ??? well this just isn???t true.

What we do know is this. When exercising you use a combination of carbohydrates and fat for energy. Generally, in the early stages of your workout, you burn more carbohydrates for energy and as your workout progresses you use more fat as an energy source. If your stomach is empty there isn???t anything to replenish your carbohydrate supply.

This means that once this supply is reduced or diminished your body is forced to break down its own muscle mass and convert it into carbohydrate for energy. By skipping a meal you end up eating away at muscle rather than building it. This then cycles into a further problem. The less muscle you have, the less calories you burn and, the harder it is to lose weight. Compound this with the fact that most of us just simply feel tired and irritable when we are hungry. This does not contribute to a great workout either.

The bottom line is that you don???t want to be extremely full when you workout but you should always have some food in your stomach so that your body can continue replenishing its store of carbohydrates.

About the Author: Alex K is an online Fitness Professional providing health and wellness to the world through his online workout program Cardio Blast. Members of receive new cardio workouts every week, strength training programs, 50 page meal plan, fitness tracking and personal training included with their membership.

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